On Sat, Oct 27, 2012 at 10:45 AM, Brad Morgan <b-mor...@concentric.net> wrote:
> I have a Windows 7 host that has started returning the following error
> during backups:
> 2012-10-27 09:34:19 incr backup started back to 2012-10-25 19:00:01  (backup
> #32) for share C$
> 2012-10-27 09:34:58 DumpPostShareCmd returned error status 13... exiting
> 2012-10-27 09:35:00 DumpPostUserCmd returned error status 13... exiting
> 2012-10-27 09:35:00 Got fatal error during xfer (DumpPostUserCmd returned
> error status 13)
> 2012-10-27 09:35:05 Backup aborted (DumpPostUserCmd returned error status
> 13)
> The host specific config file is empty (0 bytes) and the config.pl contains:
> $Conf{DumpPreUserCmd} = undef;
> $Conf{DumpPostUserCmd} = undef;
> $Conf{DumpPreShareCmd} = undef;
> $Conf{DumpPostShareCmd} = undef;
> $Conf{RestorePreUserCmd} = undef;
> $Conf{RestorePostUserCmd} = undef;
> $Conf{ArchivePreUserCmd} = '/bin/bash /home/backuppc/archive_rm $archiveloc
> $HostList';
> $Conf{ArchivePostUserCmd} = undef;
> What does this error really mean?

It doesn't make much sense to get an error where a command was not
specified.  The per-host config files are allowed to be in several
different places - what does the web interface show when you edit that
host's config?

   Les Mikesell

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