On Fri, Nov 2, 2012 at 2:02 PM, Jim Stark <jstarkjhea...@gmail.com> wrote:
> My concern is that to verify that a file can be pooled, it first has to be
> brought over from machine A (true?).
> Thus, even if it is ultimately pooled & only costs 1 hard link in the backup
> for the host, there is all of the full backup overhead on machine A and all
> of the network traffic to get it to the backuppc machine to determine this.
> For a full backup of e.g. 100s of GB, this would be a huge overhead. In the
> case where only a few files have been added to A since the last full backup,
> that is almost completely redundant. I think I need to find a different
> solution :)

You don't have to guess about this.  Look at the 'duration' column of
your last full run.  If that time wasn't a problem, the next one
probably won't be either.  Using rsync is usually only critical for
cases of limited network bandwidth.

> Perhaps naive, but I imagined the SMB incremental logic might have included
> something like:
>   if ( cannot find this file from A in host's backup tree ) {
>    put it there i.e. act as if the modtime were recent enough that it should
> be backed up this time.
>   }

No, there is no such chat with the client, except in the rsync/rsyncd
xfers.  With those, the client sends the directory contents and the
server can then request the files that differ.

> Maybe there is something about "smbclient in tar mode" (not familiar with
> this) which prevents this?
> Maybe it is a prohibitively expensive test?

Probably more a matter of being patterned after the tar xfer where the
client sends only a stream back with no option to chat at all.  You
might try doing a cifs mount into the backuppc (or other) server and
doing an rsync backup of the mount point.   Incrementals will then be
able to skip matching directory entries.  However, fulls will probably
be much less efficient because the entire contents will be read over
the network mount for a data comparison that is being done in the
wrong place.

   Les Mikesell

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