On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 8:35 PM, Gary Roach <gary719_li...@verizon.net> wrote:
> On 11/14/2012 04:01 PM, Les Mikesell wrote:
>> You don't get the help message unless the command had an error.  You
>> omitted the 'files/directories'  that the help message should have
>> shown as part of the command.   '.' will work for everything - or '/'
> Could you elaborate on my omission of the 'files/directories' and is the
> use of '/' for the top
> directory wrong?
> Assuming that "super2" is a computer that was backed up to backup #169,
> that /etc /root /home and /var were backed up, that my backup files are
> on localhost and I wish to create a tar file for backup #169 to be
> transferred manually to "super2" then what is wrong with the code string:
> ./BackupPC_tarCreate -n 169 -h super2 -s />  /tar/target.tar

Your / is the argument to the -s option - which should be the share
defined in the backuppc config for the host.    Then after that you
need a pattern to match the files/directories you want to include in
the tar output.   So add a space and another / at the end of the
command (before the > redirection) and it should work.

  Les Mikesell

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