> Ok, I finally just mounted the new storage volume on /var/lib/backuppc
> and moved the pool files etc to the new disk. This worked but I now have
> an old problem with rsyncd.

This is an unrelated problem, of course, but let's start with the obvious.
 Are you actually running rsyncd?  If so, you will have set up the daemon
with a configuration that specifies "modules" (which are unfortunately
named, think of them as similar to "share names") -- they're arbitrary
names which refers to a path and a set of permissions.  Of course, you'll
probably also want to make sure rsyncd is running at startup.

If you haven't done that, then you're not running rsyncd, and you should
probably pick "rsync" instead.

> Attempts to run a backup on localhost gives "Error connecting to module
> '/' at localhost 837: Unknown module '/' ". I assume that this is a
> mistake in the RsyncShareName (path in rsyncd.conf's backuppc module) .
> The man page states "path - This parameter specifies the directory in
> the daemon’s filesystem to make available in this module. This statement
> has been copied verbatim in every instruction I can fine. I have no idea
> what that means. What is meant by the daemon's file system and what is
> meant by make available in this module. A plain '/' sure doesn't '/'
> work. Could someone reword this statement so that I might have a chance
> of understanding it. This is as bad as the last course I took in math
> analysis.

Did you actually name a module '/' in your rsyncd.conf?  That error
suggests you didn't, so you'll want to look in there:

path = /home/fishbreath/
auth users = somedude
secrets file = rsyncd.secrets

In the example above, "Stinky" would be the module name, and
"/home/fishbreath" is the path in the daemon's file system to which it

> You know, the GUI is great but there are a couple of items in the setup
> that just keep causing me no end of grief. After i;ve been away from
> this package for a while I seem to have to go through the same painful
> steps. I wish someone would clarify the setup for rsyncd and find an
> easy method of transfering the pool files.
> Gary R.

There's always tar, which is pretty straightforward.

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