On 05/18/2013 09:02 AM, Les Mikesell wrote:
> On Fri, May 17, 2013 at 9:48 PM, Gary Roach<gary719_li...@verizon.net>  wrote:
>> Tar -YUK . Yes I am using rsyncd and have checked out communications
>> both ways with all my clients and the server. There seems to be good
>> communications. I've even transfered a file or two.
> When testing rsyncd, be sure you use double :'s in the command
> (host::module).  Otherwise rsync over ssh is used.
>> Each rsyncd.conf file contains a module [backuppc]. In that module I
>> made the path = / since I wanted to backup most of the files in each
>> computer. This seems to be what backuppc is objecting to. Do I have to
>> list each directory under / that I wish to backup? That would be /etc,
>> /home, ....... ,/var. Does this have to be done for each computer? I did
>> list each /dir separately in the backuppc main configuration file. The
>> RsyncShareName is still = / though. I seem to be missing something
>> here???? I got this working once before but don't remember how.
> In backuppc 'rsync' uses rsync-over-ssh and uses the actual directory
> name as the share target (which is passed directly in the command).
> 'Rsyncd' uses rsync in daemon mode at the remote, and the target you
> specify is the 'module' defined in your rsyncd config file - that is
> the name in []'s, not the path to the files.    It is usually easier
> to use rsync over ssh on linux unless you have some reason to not want
> key access to the target system.
Thank you all but especially Les.

All of my rsyncd.conf files contain a module called [backuppc]. I set 
RsyncShareName = backuppc and everything works fine. A little rework of 
the RsyncShareName help message might be in order. It confused me and 
have about 40 years of experience in the technical fields ( 5 years as a 

Again thanks to all. This one should be marked (Solved)

Gary R.

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