On Wed, Jul 2, 2014 at 10:01 AM, Paolo Basenghi
<paolo.basen...@fcr.re.it> wrote:
> Il 02/07/2014 14:48, Les Mikesell ha scritto:
>> Does ssh work otherwise? BackupPC isn't happy about additional text
>> coming ahead of the rsync startup, but that usually causes a quick
>> 'version mismatch' error. During the timeout period you could check
>> that rsync is actually running at the other end.
> If I don't get wrong, backuppc does not run rsync client, but a set of
> perl library functions instead. Perhaphs are them that block...

That is correct, but it doesn't block on other platforms unless the
remote stops sending.. But first the server-side ssh has to launch
rsync on the remote side, so you could see if you are getting at least
that far.   It is also possible that it is working but just extremely
slow at handling compression, and thus hitting the timeout.

   Les Mikesell

Open source business process management suite built on Java and Eclipse
Turn processes into business applications with Bonita BPM Community Edition
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Winner of BOSSIE, CODIE, OW2 and Gartner awards
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