On Wed, Apr 15, 2015 at 12:00 PM, Dave Sill <de5-backu...@sws5.ornl.gov>

> A corollary would be: how do I know that the space BackupPC is using
> doesn't include a bunch of cruft like files from systems that have been
> removed from BackupPC, or file systems that have been removed, ...

Somebody might have a script to check this, but you may have some backups
that are lacking configured hosts.  As I recall, when you delete a host
from the interface, the data needs to be manually removed (and I believe
there is a notification alluding to this).  However, if it's just file
systems, the files are likely pooled in other backups.

Kris Lou
BPM Camp - Free Virtual Workshop May 6th at 10am PDT/1PM EDT
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