Hi guys,

I am using BackupPC now for years and it was always running perfectly.
Around 25 hosts; /var/lib/BackupPC is around 2TB).

Currently I am having an issue with one of my remote hosts.

I even created a new instance of BackupPC to test and see what happens-
but it is the same!

The remote host has two share to be backed up. / with around 4GB of data
and /srv with 27GB of data.

The connection is now a 5Mbit/s (uplink) leased line with fixed IP
(connected through OpenVPN to the BackuPC host).  The backup takes ages!

When calculating with a 5Mbit/s linke 27GB should be transferred within
~15hours. Here, the initial full backup is not yet done and is already
running more than 24hours!

I can see some sort of progress if I do a "lsof| grep rsync" on the
client. But it  still appears to be ways to slow! On the client "top"
tells me 99% idle CPU (and no I/O waits). The NIC and the Internet
connection has an outbound usage of around 350kb/s- far away from the
5Mbit/s the line offers.
And yes, there is no other outbound traffic going on. I just did a
Ms-RDP session and the line usage goes up to the expected 2.5Mbit/s!

Do you have a clue why it takes to transfer?

It does not seem to be linkes to a new full or incr backup- my existing
backup server was not able to back up the machine now for 120days! Even
though it tells me 24/7 "backup in progress".

So, any idea why this performs so badly?



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