On 14.12.15 14:33, absolutely_f...@libero.it wrote:
> Hi Paolo,
> thank you for your quick reply.
> My pool is 2.5 TB.
> Sincerely, speed is  not crucial in my case: I just need to store data on a 
> different location, for disaster recovery.
> My doubt is: if I keep two pools synced with rsync, will I able to use it? Or 
> should I care about something in particular?
Yes, you will be able to use it assuming you synced whole __TOPDIR__ (and 
__CONFDIR__ backup will also be helpful).
But rsyncing a pool that contains a lot of hardlinks will take unacceptable 
very very long time and require a lot of RAM.

You might should consider some block level backup methods, but it depends on 
file system you are using.
For instance for FFS(UFS) dump does the job. I never tried BackupPC on ZFS, but 
I believe 'zfs send' should work too.

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