bpb21 wrote on 11.07.2016 at 20:28:
> I've got BackupPC running on a CentOS server (working fine with Windows 10 
> PCs, by the way!).  I'd like to back up, on occasion, the data BackupPC 
> stores.
> For other servers, network shares, and CCTV footage, I use LTO-5 Ultrium 
> tapes and just use tar on the CentOS server connected to the tape drive; 
> nothing proprietary going on.
> But, where does BackupPC store it's data?  (I could probably figure that one 
> out pretty easily.)  More of a question is, how would backing up the pooled 
> data to an external source work out?  I have approx. 3.8 TB of data before 
> pooling and compression, approx 1 TB of data after pooling and compression.
> So, I'd need to plan on 3.8 TB of external storage were I to back up 
> BackupPC's data, correct?
> If I just used the regular tar commands to back up the data directory for 
> BackupPC, would it be able to preserve the user permissions?  As in, could I 
> still tell what came from what PC if I just copied the data directory?
> (I'm probably making this more complex than it is...)

you have several possibilities:

- use the archivehost feature, so last backup of each host can be saved 
to tape or e.g. destination directory on e.g. external usb drive for 
offline storage

- use rsync to sync the whole pool (usually /var/lib/backuppc) to other 
hard disk, with special parameters it's possible even over ssh
   we do our sync of about 2TB in one  and a half day over 1gb ethernet
   to remote location; if possible, do initial sync locally.
   backuppc service must be shutdown during the sync or at least not
   doing backups, for consistency.

- instead of rsync, if backuppc pool is on btrfs, one could use btrfs'
   send-receive feature, or e.g. btrbk. didn't try that out, though.


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