On 2017-05-30 09:30, Jeffrey West wrote:

Over the weekend we had a power outage and the servers all went down
due to a faulty APC.  BackupPC will boot back up, but I cannot start
the service.  I get the following error.

-- Unit backuppc.service has begun starting up.

May 30 10:29:12 backuppc.riptidesoftware.com [1] BackupPC[2537]:
2017-05-30 10:29:12 Another BackupPC is running (pid 1289);

May 30 10:29:12 backuppc.riptidesoftware.com [1] systemd[1]:
backuppc.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE

May 30 10:29:12 backuppc.riptidesoftware.com [1] systemd[1]: Failed to
start BackupPC server.

-- Subject: Unit backuppc.service has failed

-- Defined-By: systemd

-- Support:


-- Unit backuppc.service has failed.


-- The result is failed.

May 30 10:29:12 backuppc.riptidesoftware.com [1] audit[1]:
SERVICE_START pid=1 uid=0 auid=4294967295 ses=4294967295
msg='unit=backuppc comm="systemd" exe="/usr/lib/systemd/systemd"
hostname=? addr=? terminal=? r

May 30 10:29:12 backuppc.riptidesoftware.com [1] systemd[1]:
backuppc.service: Unit entered failed state.

May 30 10:29:12 backuppc.riptidesoftware.com [1] systemd[1]:
backuppc.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.

I looked for a PID file in /var/run/BackupPC, but nothing is there.  I
am assuming this is some leftover PID or SOCK file that needs to be
renamed or removed.   Running ps -ax does not show any process running
under pid 1289 or by the name BackupPC.

Any ideas?

Jeff West
Systems Engineer
Riptide Software
Office 321-296-7724 ext 216 [2]
Direct 407-542-7697 [3]
Cell    407-925-7030 [4]
www.riptidesoftware.com [5]

BackupPC keeps track of its own PID/status independently of systemd (or whatever else is launching/monitoring it) in a file called "status.pl," which can usually be found in /var/log/BackupPC, unless you or your package manager have placed it elsewhere.

You'll find the relevant variable under "pid" within this file, which as I recall, you can either blank out, or set to zero. (I note that status.pl contains a number of other things, so you probably don't want to just delete it.)

My own systemd uses helper scripts to coordinate the state of status.pl with the pidfiles and systemd, something which I thought was ridiculous overkill when I saw the considerably simpler systemd's on this list (and that's probably still the case) but it's something to consider if this happens frequently.
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