Hi there,

On Thu, 20 Jul 2017, Bzzzz wrote:

... clumsy users would be able to recover their work very rapidly
with at most one hour loss ...

How about that ?

You want to apply a technical answer to a non-technical question.

Bad idea.

It is vastly more expensive to employ highly trained people to run
around cleaning up after badly trained incompetents [*] than it is to
train people not to be clumsy in the first place.

[*] You can't even let them do it themselves, they'll just recover the
wrong backup and make the whole thing twenty times worse - believe me,
I've see it happen.

We used to say 'GIGO'.  If the users are so clumsy, there is no point
in backing up their work because it is very probably garbage anyway.

So train clumsy users not to be so clumsy.

One way of doing that is, every time they have done something clumsy,
make them do their work all over again.  They will probably learn to
be careful very quickly.  If they cannot be trained to be careful and
accurate they should be redeployed, or unemployed.  The management's
job is to define limits on care and accuracy and enforce them.  If the
management can't do that then it is the fault of the management, not
of the people being (mis)managed.



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