On Thu, 16 Nov 2017 17:57:59 +0100
Holger Parplies <wb...@parplies.de> wrote:

Whoops, wrong from: (and strange setup), putting this back in the list.

> Bzzzz wrote on 2017-11-16 00:50:52 +0100 [Re: [BackupPC-users] error
> in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) (Restoring)]:  
> > [...]
> > In short: being root and (especially) removing directories is bad, on
> > the other hand, using root as part of a controlled process doesn't
> > mean that you'll be hacked or whatever - furthermore, doing some
> > stuffs as root is compulsory for some maintenance work.    
> wrong. Not understanding a concept and giving advice about it is bad.  

Ok, so develop it, this way I could understand what's so terribly wrong.

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