
I want to set up a new zfs volume as storage for Backuppc. I plan on using the 
zfs features encryption, deduplication and compression.

According to my understanding activating these feature on the filesystem level 
should be followed by disabling them on the application level, meaning 
Backuppc. I have found an option to deactive compression in the configuration, 
but none for pooling.

My questions are:

1) Am I correct in assuming that I should disable pooling and compression in 
2) How can I disable pooling on Backuppc?

Yours sincerely
Stefan Malte Schumacher

Stefan Schumacher
NetFederation GmbH
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Wie bewerberfreundlich und auf welchem digitalen Stand sind die Karriereportale 
großer deutscher Unternehmen?

Unsere Antworten finden Sie in unserem frisch veröffentlichten HR Benchmark 
unter: https://www.hr-benchmark.de/human-resources-benchmark-2019/benchmark

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