I've recognized today my firewall issue with ftp://www.backup4u.at.
It is solved now and you can access it again.

Maybe someone can put the patches into a standard place for backuppc patches?


Am Samstag 16 Februar 2019, 14:13:40 schrieb Matthias Meyer:
> I've developed two enhancements to BackupPC 3.1.0 and use it since 2010.
> In June 2013 I've done the upgrade to BackupPC V3.2.1 (debian wheezy) and I 
> implemented my patch in this release.
> In Februar 2019 I've done it again to BackupPC V3.3.2-2 (debian 
> buster/testing)
> As requested by Jeffrey Kosowsky in March 2011 I have separated my patch
> into two patches:
> $Conf{FullCntYearly} will allow to make the first backup of a year as a 
> full backup and save this full backups as many years as configured in the 
> GUI.
> The BackupPC-V3.3.2-FullCntYearly.patch will modify the following files:
>     backuppc/bin/BackupPC_dump
>     backuppc/lib/BackupPC/CGI/EditConfig.pm
>     backuppc/lib/BackupPC/Config/Meta.pm
>     doc/backuppc/BackupPC.html
> $Conf{useEveryPartial} will allow to store each interrupted backup (both, 
> full as well as incremental) as a partial backup. This partial backups will 
> be used by rsync like incremental backups. The removal of partial backups 
> will happen as for incrementals but as soon as an incremental or a full 
> backup was successfull finished.
> The modification to $Conf{PartialAgeMax} will remove partial backups after 
> $Conf{PartialAgeMax}.
> The BackupPC-V3.3.2-UseEveryPartial.patch will modify the following files:
>     backuppc/bin/BackupPC_dump
>     backuppc/bin/BackupPC_link
>     backuppc/lib/BackupPC/CGI/EditConfig.pm
>     backuppc/lib/BackupPC/Config/Meta.pm
>     backuppc/lib/BackupPC/Xfer/Rsync.pm
>     backuppc/lib/BackupPC/Xfer/RsyncFileIO.pm
>     doc/backuppc/BackupPC.html
> As Holger Parplies recommended in March 2011 I've created the patches with:
> % diff -ruN --exclude=*~ backuppc backuppc.FullCntYearly > BackupPC-V3.3.2-
> FullCntYearly.patch
> % diff -ruN --exclude=*~ doc doc.FullCntYearly > BackupPC-V3.3.2-
> FullCntYearly.doc.patch
> % diff -ruN --exclude=*~ backuppc backuppc.UseEveryPartial > BackupPC-
> V3.3.2-UseEveryPartial.patch
> % diff -ruN --exclude=*~ doc doc.UseEveryPartial > BackupPC-V3.3.2-
> UseEveryPartial.doc.patch
> and you can apply the patches by:
> % src=(where you downloaded the patch)
> % cd /usr/share
> % patch -p0 --dry-run --reject-file=oops.rej < $src/BackupPC-V3.3.2-
> FullCntYearly.patch
> % patch -p0 --dry-run --reject-file=oops.rej < $src/BackupPC-V3.3.2-
> FullCntYearly.doc.patch
> % patch -p0 --dry-run --reject-file=oops.rej < $src/BackupPC-V3.3.2-
> UseEveryPartial.patch
> % patch -p0 --dry-run --reject-file=oops.rej < $src/BackupPC-V3.3.2-
> UseEveryPartial.doc.patch
> do not forget to remove --dry-run from the lines above :)
> be sure your file owners are backuppc
> % chown -R backuppc:backuppc backuppc
> % /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
> you can remove the applied patches with:
> % patch -p0 -R < $src/BackupPC-V3.3.2-FullCntYearly.patch
> % patch -p0 -R < $src/BackupPC-V3.3.2-FullCntYearly.doc.patch
> % patch -p0 -R < $src/BackupPC-V3.3.2-UseEveryPartial.patch
> % patch -p0 -R < $src/BackupPC-V3.3.2-UseEveryPartial.doc.patch
> Be carefull! I've developed, applied and tested the patches against the 
> debian version of BackupPC.
> If there is a chance to include this patches into the standard BackupPC 
> version I could redevelop and test it against the BackupPC V3.3 from 
> sourceforge too.
> The patches are available on ftp://www.backup4u.at. You get access with:
>  user=ftpuser
>  password=Backup4U4FTP
> br
> Matthias
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