Hello Falko,

> On 22 Apr 2020, at 09:59, Falko Trojahn via BackupPC-users 
> <backuppc-users@lists.sourceforge.net> wrote:
> Usually, there are some more informations in the Xferlog. What shows the 
> Xferlog of a failed attempt?

The XferLog and verbose output for three attempts are attached below. 

The same user is used for all attempts: "backuppc". 

Basically, it boils down to this:

1. Manually started from command-line in bash shell for "backuppc" user: ALL OK
2. Scheduled via crontab for "backuppc" user: ALL OK
3. Initiated from hourly schedule by BackupPC daemon running as "backuppc": 
4. Manually started from web interface running as "backuppc": FAILS 

When it fails, it fails on the rsync_bpc command. With the following error 

    Xfer PIDs are now 31322
    This is the rsync child about to exec /usr/bin/rsync_bpc
    ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host
    rsync_bpc: connection unexpectedly closed (0 bytes received so far) 

This implies something goes wrong with the SSH connection. However, no outgoing 
TCP packets are visible in tcpdump. The error is not reproducible when 
initiated manually from shell or cron, in that case we do see outgoing TCP 
packets and all is well. This is severely odd. 

I still think I am doing something stupid, or I am hitting some weird bug in 
this specific combination of rsync_bpc version and my system. 

Your help is greatly appreciated.

XferLOG from full backup initiated through web interface (backup fails):

    Running: /usr/bin/rsync_bpc --bpc-top-dir /var/lib/BackupPC/ 
--bpc-host-name myhostname --bpc-share-name / --bpc-bkup-num 124 
--bpc-bkup-comp 3 --bpc-bkup-prevnum -1 --bpc-bkup-prevcomp -1 
--bpc-bkup-inode0 175546 --bpc-attrib-new --bpc-log-level 0 -e /usr/bin/ssh\ 
-l\ mycompany_backup --rsync-path=/usr/bin/sudo\ /usr/bin/rsync --super 
--recursive --protect-args --numeric-ids --perms --owner --group -D --times 
--links --hard-links --delete --delete-excluded --one-file-system --partial 
--log-format=log:\ %o\ %i\ %B\ %8U,%8G\ %9l\ %f%L --stats --checksum 
--timeout=72000 --exclude=/mnt --exclude=/proc --exclude=/dev --exclude=/sys 
--exclude=/var/lib/pgsql/\*/data/base --exclude=/var/lib/pgsql/\*/data/pg_wal 
--exclude=/var/lib/mysql/\*/\* --exclude=/var/lib/mysql/ibdata\* 
--exclude=/var/lib/mysql/ib_logfile\* --exclude=/var/lib/BackupPC/\* 
--exclude=/mariabackup/tmp_export myhostname:/ /
    full backup started for directory /
    Xfer PIDs are now 31322
    This is the rsync child about to exec /usr/bin/rsync_bpc
    ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host
    rsync_bpc: connection unexpectedly closed (0 bytes received so far) 
    Done: 0 errors, 0 filesExist, 0 sizeExist, 0 sizeExistComp, 0 filesTotal, 0 
sizeTotal, 0 filesNew, 0 sizeNew, 0 sizeNewComp, 175546 inode
    rsync error: unexplained error (code 255) at io.c(226) [Receiver=]
    rsync_bpc exited with fatal status 255 (65280) (rsync error: unexplained 
error (code 255) at io.c(226) [Receiver=])
    Xfer PIDs are now 
    Got fatal error during xfer (No files dumped for share /)
    Backup aborted (No files dumped for share /)

XferLOG from full backup initiated through bash shell (backup succeeds):

    Backup prep: type = full, case = 6, inPlace = 1, doDuplicate = 0, 
newBkupNum = 124, newBkupIdx = 29, lastBkupNum = , lastBkupIdx =  (FillCycle = 
0, noFillCnt = 0)
    Running: /usr/bin/rsync_bpc --bpc-top-dir /var/lib/BackupPC/ 
--bpc-host-name myhostname --bpc-share-name / --bpc-bkup-num 124 
--bpc-bkup-comp 3 --bpc-bkup-prevnum -1 --bpc-bkup-prevcomp -1 
--bpc-bkup-inode0 175546 --bpc-attrib-new --bpc-log-level 0 -e /usr/bin/ssh\ 
-l\ mycompany_backup --rsync-path=/usr/bin/sudo\ /usr/bin/rsync --super 
--recursive --protect-args --numeric-ids --perms --owner --group -D --times 
--links --hard-links --delete --delete-excluded --one-file-system --partial 
--log-format=log:\ %o\ %i\ %B\ %8U,%8G\ %9l\ %f%L --stats --checksum 
--timeout=72000 --exclude=/mnt --exclude=/proc --exclude=/dev --exclude=/sys 
--exclude=/var/lib/pgsql/\*/data/base --exclude=/var/lib/pgsql/\*/data/pg_wal 
--exclude=/var/lib/mysql/\*/\* --exclude=/var/lib/mysql/ibdata\* 
--exclude=/var/lib/mysql/ib_logfile\* --exclude=/var/lib/BackupPC/\* 
--exclude=/mariabackup/tmp_export myhostname:/ /
    full backup started for directory /
    Xfer PIDs are now 341
    This is the rsync child about to exec /usr/bin/rsync_bpc
    cmdExecOrEval: about to exec /usr/bin/rsync_bpc --bpc-top-dir 
/var/lib/BackupPC/ --bpc-host-name myhostname --bpc-share-name / --bpc-bkup-num 
124 --bpc-bkup-comp 3 --bpc-bkup-prevnum -1 --bpc-bkup-prevcomp -1 
--bpc-bkup-inode0 175546 --bpc-attrib-new --bpc-log-level 0 -e /usr/bin/ssh\ 
-l\ mycompany_backup --rsync-path=/usr/bin/sudo\ /usr/bin/rsync --super 
--recursive --protect-args --numeric-ids --perms --owner --group -D --times 
--links --hard-links --delete --delete-excluded --one-file-system --partial 
--log-format=log:\ %o\ %i\ %B\ %8U,%8G\ %9l\ %f%L --stats --checksum 
--timeout=72000 --exclude=/mnt --exclude=/proc --exclude=/dev --exclude=/sys 
--exclude=/var/lib/pgsql/\*/data/base --exclude=/var/lib/pgsql/\*/data/pg_wal 
--exclude=/var/lib/mysql/\*/\* --exclude=/var/lib/mysql/ibdata\* 
--exclude=/var/lib/mysql/ib_logfile\* --exclude=/var/lib/BackupPC/\* 
--exclude=/mariabackup/tmp_export myhostname:/ /
    Xfer PIDs are now 341,345

Verbose output snippet when initiated through cron (backup succeeds):

    BackupPC_backupDuplicate: got 0 errors and 0 file open errors
    Finished BackupPC_backupDuplicate (running time: 4 sec)
    __bpc_progress_state__ backup share "/"
    Running: /usr/bin/rsync_bpc --bpc-top-dir /var/lib/BackupPC/ 
--bpc-host-name myhostname --bpc-share-name / --bpc-bkup-num 125 
--bpc-bkup-comp 3 --bpc-bkup-prevnum -1 --bpc-bkup-prevcomp -1 
--bpc-bkup-inode0 175597 --bpc-attrib-new --bpc-log-level 0 -e /usr/bin/ssh\ 
-l\ mycompany_backup --rsync-path=/usr/bin/sudo\ /usr/bin/rsync --super 
--recursive --protect-args --numeric-ids --perms --owner --group -D --times 
--links --hard-links --delete --delete-excluded --one-file-system --partial 
--log-format=log:\ %o\ %i\ %B\ %8U,%8G\ %9l\ %f%L --stats --checksum 
--timeout=72000 --exclude=/mnt --exclude=/proc --exclude=/dev --exclude=/sys 
--exclude=/var/lib/pgsql/\*/data/base --exclude=/var/lib/pgsql/\*/data/pg_wal 
--exclude=/var/lib/mysql/\*/\* --exclude=/var/lib/mysql/ibdata\* 
--exclude=/var/lib/mysql/ib_logfile\* --exclude=/var/lib/BackupPC/\* 
--exclude=/mariabackup/tmp_export myhostname:/ /
    full backup started for directory /
    started full dump, share=/
    Xfer PIDs are now 1143
    xferPids 1143
    This is the rsync child about to exec /usr/bin/rsync_bpc
    cmdExecOrEval: about to exec /usr/bin/rsync_bpc --bpc-top-dir 
/var/lib/BackupPC/ --bpc-host-name myhostname --bpc-share-name / --bpc-bkup-num 
125 --bpc-bkup-comp 3 --bpc-bkup-prevnum -1 --bpc-bkup-prevcomp -1 
--bpc-bkup-inode0 175597 --bpc-attrib-new --bpc-log-level 0 -e /usr/bin/ssh\ 
-l\ mycompany_backup --rsync-path=/usr/bin/sudo\ /usr/bin/rsync --super 
--recursive --protect-args --numeric-ids --perms --owner --group -D --times 
--links --hard-links --delete --delete-excluded --one-file-system --partial 
--log-format=log:\ %o\ %i\ %B\ %8U,%8G\ %9l\ %f%L --stats --checksum 
--timeout=72000 --exclude=/mnt --exclude=/proc --exclude=/dev --exclude=/sys 
--exclude=/var/lib/pgsql/\*/data/base --exclude=/var/lib/pgsql/\*/data/pg_wal 
--exclude=/var/lib/mysql/\*/\* --exclude=/var/lib/mysql/ibdata\* 
--exclude=/var/lib/mysql/ib_logfile\* --exclude=/var/lib/BackupPC/\* 
--exclude=/mariabackup/tmp_export myhostname:/ /
    Xfer PIDs are now 1143,1147
    xferPids 1143,1147
    xferPids 1143,1147
    __bpc_progress_fileCnt__ 1
    __bpc_progress_fileCnt__ 21

Best regards,

Pim Rupert

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