I tried to upgrade my CentOS 7 box to CentOS 8 (through reinstall and
preserving of /etc) but it went sideways and I lost everything so I had to
setup BackupPC from scratch.

Getting the rsync excludes right has always been a problem for me. I'm not
volunteering to start it but (I've got WAY too much going on in my life
right now) but a Wiki or something with BackupPC recipes and best practices
would be great!

Here's my current default exclude as I mostly backup home directories:

$Conf{BackupFilesExclude} = {
  '*' => [

My share is "/var/lib/pictures"

So my thought was the * should match all shares and the "/.Trash*" should
match trash files in the root of the share but I just did a full backup and
two are still there.


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