> While it's helpful to check the pool, it isn't obvious how to fix any errors.

Sure. Actually I've put aside to interpret the error and the file
involved until I find an actual error (so I hope to never need that
information! :) )

> So it's probably best to have rsync-bpc implement the old 
> $Conf{RsyncCsumCacheVerifyProb} setting.  It could do that by randomly 
> skipping the --checksum short-circuit during a full.  For that fraction of 
> files, it would do a full rsync check and update, which would update the pool 
> file if they are not identical.

That would be a good compromise. It makes the fulls a bit slower in
servers with poor network and slow disks, but it's more clear what to
do in case of error. Maybe also add a "warning of possible pool
corruption" if the stored checksum and the new checksum differs for
those files?


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