On Wed, 2021-01-06 at 14:59 +0100, Raoul Bhatia wrote:
> Hi Sorin, Jeff, et al.
> I am the one who contributed 
> https://github.com/backuppc/backuppc/wiki/Build-Your-Own-Packages
> and I am mostly lurking on the mailing list with a few posts here and 
> there.
> Disclaimer: My work was build on top of Benjamin Renard and already 
> received contributions from i.e. Richard Hansen and a Github user named 
> "wwuck".

Cheers, nice to meet you!

> FYI: I am packaging as time permits (job, family) and on the 
> architectures used by myself or explicitly requested.  Thus, there might 
> not be an up-to-date package that fits your environment.
> However, I am definitely *very* happy to accept pull requests and/or 
> other contributions.
> Additionally, others started to build off of my work, i.e. 
> https://launchpad.net/~rhansen/+archive/ubuntu/backuppc (though it seems 
> it hasn't been updated to 4.4 yet?).
> Having said that, there is also an effort underway to officially package 
> BackupPC 4.4 for Debian.
> It was recently submitted and is already available on testing.
> You can find details here https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/backuppc
> (Though I did not yet check the current status/differences)
> Eventually, my plan would be to switch to the official Debian packages 
> (that will also end up in Ubuntu somewhen) and continue my contribution 
> there.
> I would be hopeful that my package would fit your needs.
> Feel free to get back to me with any questions and/or suggestions.

I think the debian packages were the ones I stumbled upon and now have my
eyes on. :-)
Depending on when they filter through to Ubuntu, I might or not roll my own.

It also depends on family, job and time generally for me too.

The Kifarunix's guide seemed pretty complete otherwise.


Kind regards,
Sorin Srbu

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