
I have a full week's backup of all my servers, i want to make an immutable
> copy of them, so I was thinking of just "moving" the current data dir, and
> whatever else I might need to another partition, and start the backup from
> scratch again.

Why "move and start from scratch"? Why don't you just copy the folder and
let the backup keep working?

I want to do that every 6 months...
> Suggestions?

Do you really need the full BackupPC data structure, including the
different snapshots, or is one copy of the data enough? For the latter case
maybe the "Archive" function is better, as you get the files with the
original files structure and names. However, you also lose the

I do a full Archive of my backups every 2 months to an external drive, but
I have little overlap of files so losing deduplication is not an issue.

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