Kenneth Porter wrote at about 18:29:55 -0700 on Monday, October 18, 2021:
 > On 10/18/2021 6:23 PM, wrote:
 > > What is a "Windows-only" drive?
 > I'm a bit worried that some NAS RAID boxes might be SMB-only. But I 
 > suspect a USB drive is going to have better performance for this than a 
 > NAS box, anyway.

That has nothing to do with the actual *drive* as the drive itself is almost
definitely capable of supporting any file system type. I assume you
are saying that the OS and internal/exportable file systems on the NAS
may not be compatible with backuppc.

Said another way, that's a NAS problem, not a drive problem. Indeed, that
would be like saying that the hard drive in a Windows PC is a
"Windows-only" drive because the PC runs Windows.

If the drive is part of a NAS, then you have several options:
1. Run Backuppc on the NAS (if the NAS is running Linux or capable of
   running Linux or other similar OS -- potentially you may need to
   reformat the disk if the file system doesn't support hard links)

2. Run Backuppc on another Linux machine and access the storage on the
   NAS via NFS or other similar file system access that works with

3. Remove the disk from the NAS and install it in your backuppc server
   I don't want to say never, but I would be surprised if you would
   find a commercial 4+TB hard drive that cannot be (re)formatted to
   support a file system that works with backuppc.

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