Hi there,

On Tue, 19 Oct 2021, Kenneth Porter wrote:

My Western Digital MyPassport 4TB external drive has filled up so it's time
to buy something bigger. I'm thinking an 8 or 10, possibly a Western
Digital, as I've had fairly good experience with them over the years.

Any suggestions on which to look at? ...

Like Mr. Mikesell I feel that there's less than there used to be to
choose between manufacturers thesedays.  A while ago I used to go for
WD rather than Seagate at any price because I had very bad experience
indeed of Seagate Barracuda drives, then WD seemed to go downhill on
reliability so for some years I went with HGST.  Then WD bought HGST.

For Linux box, you probably won't want something which parks the heads
if there's no activity for eight seconds.  Such things have happened.

Another word of caution, there's quite a bit of marketing speak, and,
dare I say it, even misrepresentation around drive descriptions and
specifications.  See for example


These articles all happen to mention WD, but they by no means invented
the concept of 'caveat emptor'.

Finally, I personally would avoid anything filled with helium - but
that's because I happen to know how difficult it is to keep helium in
*any* container (and even *out* of some containers).  This isn't from
personal experience of helium-filled drives, of which I have none, but
if a drive relies on its gas filling for its operation I don't like to
think what might happen when the gas escapes.



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