Hallo Stefan,

i just wanted to ask if nobody has an idea about this? Where can the size 
difference come from?


Hello all,

I have a strange problem with my BackupPC 4.4.0 installation.
With two hosts to be backed up, the "File Size/Count Reuse Summary" shows a too large value 
for "Totals -> Size/MiB".
The system to be backed up is about 77 GiB ("du -sh /" shows 77G). 
Nevertheless, BackupPC shows 106110 MiB.
Where can this difference in size come from? In an old installation, with 
BackupPC 3.3.2, the size is displayed correctly.

How can I investigate this error? What information is needed to investigate 

Why do you think this is an error...? BackupPC keeps a number of backups, some full, some incremental - how many exactly you'll have to check in your config.

Your files will change at some rate.

Assuming you'd keep 7 backups and do completeley rewrite your disk every day, then in a week your backups will increase to 7 x 77 GB, although du will still show only 77 GB used...

Is that your problem? Seems to be just a misunderstanding.

Best regards,

Iosif Fettich

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