Hello Stefan,

you do understand correctly. I'm doing the same backup with v3 and v4.
No significant time delay between backups. I would be ok with slight
temp files having changed, log files having a few more lines, but i see
differences in the gigabyte range.

What makes it even more complicated: When exporting the backup as .tar
or .zip it is almost the same size (not counting the slight differences
of logs, temp files, etc).
The significant size difference is only in BackupPC.

There was recently some mentions about BackupPC v4 behaving differently by default than v3 with regard to hardlinked files. I haven't followed that in detail - maybe that's what you're seeing?

As fas I understood, that would imply that hardlinked files would appear as missing in v4 and would _not_ be included in the backups [by default], whereas they would show up normally in v3.

You might still need to look for some specific differences to see if that's what causes the issue you're seeing.

Best regards,

Iosif Fettich

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