Upgraded to backuppc v4.4 and any backup started via the web interface fails 
and this is the error

Contents of file /var/lib/backuppc/pc/aliases.real-time.com/LOG.052023, 
modified 2023-05-11 18:36:56 

2023-05-07 16:00:01 Created directory 
2023-05-07 16:00:01 xfer start failed: $Conf{RsyncBackupPCPath} is set to , 
which isn't a valid executable

Performing a backup on the command line works

/usr/share/backuppc/bin/BackupPC_dump  -vvv -m -f aliases.real-time.com

I am sure I have $Conf{RsyncBackupPCPath} set properly

# grep RsyncBackupPCPath *
config.pl:$Conf{RsyncBackupPCPath} = "/usr/libexec/backuppc-rsync/rsync_bpc";
config.pl:    RsyncBackupPCPath         => 0,

# file /usr/libexec/backuppc-rsync/rsync_bpc
/usr/libexec/backuppc-rsync/rsync_bpc: ELF 64-bit LSB pie executable, x86-64, 
version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2, 
BuildID[sha1]=9476c80ebc0ea2113223b0f94b5d9745c43aeafe, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, 

Perms on config.pl

# ls -l config.pl
-rw-r----- 1 backuppc www-data 88733 May  9 11:25 config.pl

I do not have a host specific override file.

I think that apache and/or the backuppc cgi cannot read the 
/etc/backuppc/config.pl, but I cannot find any errors in the logs.

Any ideas how to troubleshoot this problem?
Bob Tanner <tan...@real-time.com>  | Phone : (952)943-8700
https://keybase.io/basictheprogram     | http://www.real-time.com
Key fingerprint = F785 DDFC CF94 7CE8 AA87 3A9D 3895 26F1 0DDB E378

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