On 11/15/23 05:26, Christian Völker wrote:

yes, the latest full backup shows files which have been deleted months ago. At the time of backing up the client they did not exist on the client!

For testing I did a new "full" backup.
It has the same old files in it :\

So I created a new host (by IP instead of name), copied the "macosclient.pl" to "$IP.pl", reloaded backuppc and staarted a new backup on the IP-based host. This backup now only has the files which really do exists on the client.

Looks like there is something broken in the inventory of the backups of this host.

Any better idea instead of simply removeing all backups from this host and start a new series?


Am 14.11.23 um 20:34 schrieb Norman J. Goldstein:
Are you saying that your full backup, 666, contains files that *were* not in your local directory at the time of the backup?

Here is my speculation.

Your BackupPC_nightly is configured to traverse only a portion of the pool each night for all of the machines backed up and is not proceeding far enough to identify the 0 link count for the now deleted file. For full backups BackupPC does a comparison of files already in the pool to those physically on the client and if a file already exists in the pool, instead of downloading the entire file again it increments the file count associated with this machine and moves on. For files that nolonger exist on the client machine it decrements the file count to zero but does not immediately delete it from the client pool count. The next time BackupPC_nightly runs, assuming it traverses the whole pool, it removes the files that have a zero count associated with that client. In the documentation this is covered in the section headed "BackupPC Design". I had to read this section several times to understand how BackupPC_nightly works and also the config.pl related to nightly. My pool is I think very small so I have the nightly configured to traverse the entire pool each time it runs at the beginning of the backup schedule each day.

If I've got this wrong then I think those who do know will now clarify my miss conception.

Jim KR

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