>>>>> On Wed, 11 Dec 2019 09:32:51 +0100, Radosław Korzeniewski said:
> Hello,
> wt., 3 gru 2019 o 16:04 Martin Simmons <mar...@lispworks.com> napisał(a):
> > >>>>> On Tue, 3 Dec 2019 15:15:53 +0100, Radosław Korzeniewski said:
> > >
> > > Hello,
> > >
> > > wt., 3 gru 2019 o 14:27 Martin Simmons <mar...@lispworks.com>
> > napisał(a):
> > >
> > > > Is the current timing useful for some other situation?
> > > >
> > >
> > > I do not understand your question.
> >
> > I'm trying to understand why it is implemented like it is.
> >
> I don't know, you have to as Kern.
> > I hope we agree that jobs have a scheduled time and a start time.  The
> > start
> > time can be much later than the scheduled time, for example if the job
> > priority is specified and a job with a smaller priority is running.
> >
> I think we have a small misunderstanding here. In Bacula from a technical
> point of view scheduled time means: I already prepared all job parameters
> and put this product on the queue ready for run. Then a start time is when
> a scheduler picks it from the queue and attach it to execution thread. You
> can have a lag between scheduled time and start time because the job has to
> wait in the queue. It could wait a few cpu ticks when all is ready to go or
> a few hours when other resources are busy or other priority jobs not
> finished yet.
> > A copy job currently chooses the jobs to be copied at the scheduled
> > time(A),
> >
> Yes.
> > but Phil and myself think that it should choose the jobs to be copied at
> > the
> > start time(B).
> I fully understand what you want and I do not deny it.
> >   Can you explain if (A) is ever better than (B) for the user?
> >
> Both have pros/cons depends on what is your backup policy and no policy is
> overall better. I prefer a cyclic copy (replication) job which allows me to
> maintain a shortest delay between backup and copy and is easier to operate
> and configure. In this case when jobs are not ready to copy at this point
> in time then it will be in a few moments later, so the next copy job can
> handle it.
> I never use priorities for the jobs as the current scheduling procedure can
> starve my whole backup system which I do not accept. I encourage people not
> to use it too.
> > Please don't just say "(A) is better because it is implemented like that"
> > because I want to focus on making Bacula more useful for a user.
> >
> No, absolutely not. Why did you say that? It hurts.
> The problem is that the current behavior is not a bug and in all my
> comments I want to show you how it is working and how it was designed. Only
> that.

Apologies, I was getting frustrated because I didn't see any evidence (e.g. in
the documentation) that it was designed to work that way.

> You can change the design or ask for a design change. Let's take a look at
> fread(3) which return the following value:
> *(...)*
> *If an error occurs, or the end of the file is reached, the return value is
> a short item count (or zero).*
> *(...)*
> So this function was designed that it expresses an error or end of file in
> the same way. Someone could argue that it is a bug as it should clearly
> show when it is end of file and when it is an error.
> I hope you understand the point.

Yes, I understand the difference between a design and an implementation.  It
is also useful to note that an implementation can sometimes become the design
by accident or inertia!

> > > It seems like a bug to me too.
> :)
> >   To continue your analogy, it is like the
> > > > restaurant forcing you to choose a dish when you book the table, before
> > > > you've
> > > > seen the menu of the day.
> > > >
> > >
> > > No, absolutely not. When you execute the copy job then all required data
> > is
> > > available and copy jobs simply start, so the menu is available when you
> > > book a table.
> > > But when you go to the restaurant then an admin stop you entering the
> > room
> > > and force you wait until the next day when menu changed - so it is not a
> > > surprise.
> > > Admin should not prevent a copy job from executing. This is the main
> > issue
> > > here in the code which is currently available.
> > >
> > > If you think it should work differently then you have to implement a
> > > different kind of mechanism. And as I understand Heitor's answer the
> > > solution is to link copy job with source job using Run=... directive.
> > Then
> > > your copy job will be executed when your source job finish.
> >
> > The job priority is an existing mechanism that is used to delay the start
> > time
> > of a job for many related situations.
> No. The priority mechanism is to prohibit concurrent job execution for jobs
> of different priority. It is not a synchronization mechanism, there is no
> "related situations".

I have already mentioned a related situation: a VolumeToCatalog verify job,
which must run after the corresponding backup job.  The priority can be used
to enforce this "must run after" requirement, so that makes it a
synchronization mechanism.

> >   It doesn't work for copy jobs because
> > Bacula chooses the jobs to be copied at the scheduled time.
> >
> Job priority mechanism works perfectly with copy jobs. Unfortunate you
> expect a different behavior of this mechanism which was never implemented.
> This is a main issue.

True -- it all depends on whether it was designed like that or if someone
implemented it like that without considering it.

> > My point is that for copy jobs:
> >
> > - At the scheduled time, the function do_mac_init chooses the jobid(s) to
> >   copy.
> >
> > - At the start time, the function do_mac copies the chosen jobid.
> >
> > Contrast this with verify jobs:
> >
> > - At the scheduled time, the function do_verify_init does not choose the
> > jobid
> >   to verify.
> >
> > - At the start time, the function do_verify chooses the jobid to verify.
> >
> > Is this different by design or was it just implemented like that?
> >
> Could you please prepare a patch which implement this behavior in a that
> way?

I think it is best to wait until the design is agreed, otherwise the patch
will just be rejected.

> On the other hand:
> -  as I understand the main problem discussed here was resolved at least in
> Bacula Enterprise where you can create "linked job execution", so you can
> start copy job right after the main job terminates, right?

It's good to hear that Bacula Enterprise has a solution, but I don't know
about it.

> - all you need for your copy job policy with priorities is to create a job
> which just execute a copy job at the right time

Yes, but as Phil mentioned, it is difficult to choose the right time.


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