Thanks for the reply :)
Thanks for the heads up. I had used hourly before, but this time I was
attempting say every 2 hours, or every 4 hours. I ended up just defining
each time the job would kick off on a daily basis, as the boss didn't want
all our backups running EVERY hour. 

Oh and, to anyone I may have offended last night. I apologize. I had a
couple too many glasses of wine after work and was getting chewed out at
like 11PM for a system going down... My bad, very sorry :|

Cheers to all of ya, this list is very helpful :)

->-----Original Message-----
->From: Brian McDonald [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
->Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2005 7:14 AM
->To: Rushowr
->Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] Am I being ignored here?
->Rushowr wrote:
->> Am I asking just entirely idiotic questions or what? Two 
->> today, both admitting I may have missed something, no 
->answers. I'm not 
->> trying to be a jerk, but c'mon guys.
->Ignored is such a strong word...  Someone answered your 
->second, so I'll knock off the first:
->-- question 1 --
->[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On Behalf 
->Of *Rushowr
->*Sent:* Tuesday, July 26, 2005 9:47 AM
->*Subject:* [Bacula-users] Scheduling every XX hours?
->Anyone care to enlighten me on how I might designate a 
->schedule resource to run every XX hours? I have a every 2 
->hours planned, and a every 4 hours planned, and was hoping 
->NOT to have to specify every hour that it runs. Is there a 
->keyword that I'm missing?
->-- --
->Did you try...
->Schedule {
->    Name = HourlyIncremental
->    Run = hourly
->The 'hourly' keyword is in the manual under the Schedule resource.

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