Hello List!

Got a simple question for Bacula users, because last
time I didn't ask this I got burned...
I'm (brand) new to Bacula. I need to use it to archive
several hundred gig of video files (raw .dv) to DLT,
using an Adic Fastor (seven slot). Restores will be
common during editting but since I want to keep the
tapes forever there will be no real media rotation. 

The hope is to save up ~200gb of video and leave
Bacula to archive (AND VERIFY) it overnight to the
seven DLT4 tapes that the changer holds. That, and a
restore sometimes, is all I really want to do. 

>From what I read, Bacula can span volumes, which is a
must. But I wanted to make sure the above workflow
sounds workable. I worked on Amanda for a long time to
do this then found out it couldn't (officially) span
and I had to ditch it!

Anyhow thanks for all advice. Later..!

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