John Kodis wrote:
I've just released version 1.3 of the Bacuview web application to
its home on RubyForge, <>, where you can
go for screen shots and to read the NEWS, ChangeLog, and INSTALL

In addition to the usual minor bug fixes, this release has one fairly
major improvement: It now supports Bacula installations that use MySQL
as their database engine.
All that's needed to support a MySQL database is to set the adapter to
mysql in the config/database.yml file.  Bacuview picks this up and
performs behind-the-scenes magic to deal with the naming differences
between Postgres and MySQL databases.

I'd be happy to answer any questions that you have, and to hear of any
suggestions that you have for this project.  I hope that you find it

Thank you for this. I installed it yesterday from scratch. Here are some suggestions for the INSTALL page.


In this section you should also describe installation of IRB. I don't know if this gets installed as part of building ruby from source, but in Fedora Core 4 it is a separate rpm package and you need
"yum install irb".

I don't know if it was necessary, but I also installed the rpms for ruby-devel and ruby-mysql.


For mysql users you can skip the "gem install postgres" and instead do "gem install mysql". If that fails (it did for me) you can try "gem install mysql --with-mysql-config=/usr/lib/mysql/mysql_config" or something similar. Frankly, I tried so many things that I'm not sure what finally worked.

Is there any chance this program could be extended to allow file searches within the database? I'd love to be able to enter a partial name of a file and get back a list of all occurrences of that name along with the file dates and the jobs that contain it. Then I could go to bconsole and jump right to the correct job for restoration.

Ultimately, could it be a complete front end for file restoration?

Thanks again,
Mark Nienberg

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