Hugo Schlebnik wrote:

> I am indeed talking about the binary, not the source.  I have no
> intention of modifying the bacula client code, but rather integrating it
> (as is) into a larger, proprietary application.   Would that mean I'd
> have to release source code for the larger application?  If so, that's a
> bit of a deal-breaker, which would be a shame, since I'd really like to
> use bacula. 

My understanding of the GPL is that you're only required to make the
source code available for the GPL'd application, and any changes you
made to source code, if you're distributing the binary generated
from those changes to 3rd party.

Where it gets complicated is when you have a propietry program
interacting with a GPL'd program.  If the complete package is being
sold to 3rd parties then you may or may not need to release the
proprietry program under the GPL as well; it depends on the level of
the relationship between the two components.  Merely invoking a
GPL'd application (e.g. Bacula) would probably not require you to
make the source available.

If you're modifying GPL'd software for purely personal/internal use
then I don't think you have to make any changes available to anyone
else, so long as you're not distributing binaries generated from
GPL'd code (modified or otherwise).

I'm assuming the same would be true if you were modifying GPL'd
software as a contract programmer, where the modified code is only
going to be used within the company you're contracting for.

Anyways, the GPL FAQ probably tells you what you need to know:

The bit on "Mere Aggreation" is most likely what you want to read.

Chris Crowther
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