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Please re-send the 'list volumes' without editing it. Are these tapes?
File volumes?

Jo Rhett wrote:
> I would deeply appreciate anyone who would look at this situation and  
> clue me in on what I'm doing wrong here.
> Take it as a free shot!  You get to insult me and I even asked for it.
>   (although please take the insult to personal e-mail)
> If you're not into insulting me, and you're in SFBA I'll buy you a  
> shot/beer/coffee whatever as a thank you.  I've been chasing this for  
> a while and I'm really confused.  I have debug output if it would  
> help, but I suspect that the configuration below is enough for  
> someone familiar with using multiple catalogs.
> On Jul 28, 2006, at 11:10 AM, Jo Rhett wrote:
>> Sorry, I thought I had included that.
>> *list volumes
>> Pool: localnet_Pool
>> No results to list.
>> Pool: clients_Pool
>> No results to list.
>> Pool: svcolo_Daily
>>    ***the right svcolo volumes list here***
>> Pool: svcolo_Monthly
>> No results to list.
>> Pool: svcolo_Quarterly
>>    ***the right svcolo volumes list here***
>> So the volumes aren't appearing in the wrong place, they simply
>> aren't being saved.
>> I'm sure that I'm doing something wrong in the configuration, but I
>> haven't the foggiest clue what it is.  There are no messages
>> associated with the nightly backups to clue me in.
>> On Jul 28, 2006, at 11:03 AM, John Drescher wrote:
>>> How about list volumes?
>>> On 7/28/06, Jo Rhett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> *purge
>>>> Choose item to purge (1-3): 3
>>>> Defined Pools:
>>>> Select the Pool (1-8): 4
>>>> No results to list.
>>>> Enter MediaId or Volume name: localnet-0001
>>>> sql_get.c:910 Media record for Volume "localnet-0001" not found.
>>>> *list pools
>>>> +--------+------------------+---------+---------+----------
>>>> +-------------+
>>>> | PoolId | Name             | NumVols | MaxVols | PoolType |
>>>> LabelFormat |
>>>> +--------+------------------+---------+---------+----------
>>>> +-------------+
>>>> |      4 | localnet_Pool    |       0 |      30 | Backup   |
>>>> localnet-   |
>>>> |      5 | clients_Pool     |       0 |      30 | Backup   |
>>>> clients-    |
>>>> |      6 | svcolo_Daily     |      25 |      30 | Backup   |
>>>> Daily-      |
>>>> |      7 | svcolo_Monthly   |       0 |       4 | Backup   |
>>>> Monthly-    |
>>>> |      8 | svcolo_Quarterly |       1 |       4 | Backup   |
>>>> quarterly-  |
>>>> +--------+------------------+---------+---------+----------
>>>> +-------------+
>>>> Okay, this is confusing.  Every night dozens of clients in the
>>>> localnet and client pools get backed up.  Each night we get the  
>>>> first
>>>> report with something like this:
>>>> 24-Jul 22:05 backup0-dir: Start Backup JobId 51, Job=w7localnet.
>>>> 2006-07-24_22.05.00
>>>> 24-Jul 22:05 backup0-dir: Max configured use duration exceeded.
>>>> Marking Volume "localnet-0017" as Used.
>>>> 24-Jul 22:05 backup0-dir: Created new Volume "localnet-0018" in
>>>> catalog.
>>>> 24-Jul 22:05 backup0-sd: Labeled new Volume "localnet-0018" on  
>>>> device
>>>> "Dev_localnet" (/bacula/localnet).
>>>> 24-Jul 22:05 backup0-sd: Wrote label to prelabeled Volume
>>>> "localnet-0018" on device "Dev_localnet" (/bacula/localnet)
>>>> So it's handling the volumes correctly.  But it's not keeping  
>>>> them in
>>>> the catalog?  What is failing here?
>>>> Pool {
>>>>          Name = localnet_Pool
>>>>          Pool Type = Backup
>>>>          Recycle = yes                   # Bacula can automatically
>>>> recycle Volumes
>>>>          Recycle Oldest Volume = yes
>>>>          AutoPrune = yes                 # Prune expired volumes
>>>>          Volume Retention = 30 days      # one year
>>>>          Volume Use Duration = 24h
>>>>          Accept Any Volume = yes         # write on any volume in  
>>>> the
>>>> pool
>>>>          LabelFormat = "localnet-"
>>>>          Maximum Volumes = 30
>>>> }
>>>> Pool {
>>>>          Name = clients_Pool
>>>>          Pool Type = Backup
>>>>          Recycle = yes                   # Bacula can automatically
>>>> recycle Volumes
>>>>          Recycle Oldest Volume = yes
>>>>          AutoPrune = yes                 # Prune expired volumes
>>>>          Volume Retention = 30 days      # one year
>>>>          Volume Use Duration = 24h
>>>>          Accept Any Volume = yes         # write on any volume in  
>>>> the
>>>> pool
>>>>          LabelFormat = "clients-"
>>>>          Maximum Volumes = 30
>>>> }
>>>> Catalog {
>>>>          Name = localnetCatalog
>>>>          dbname = bacula_localnet;
>>>>          user = bacula_localnet;
>>>>          password = "*********";
>>>> }
>>>> Catalog {
>>>>          Name = clientsCatalog
>>>>          dbname = bacula_clients;
>>>>          user = bacula_clients;
>>>>          password = "*********";
>>>> }
>>>> JobDefs {
>>>>          Name = "localnet_Job"
>>>>          Type = Backup
>>>>          Level = Incremental
>>>>          Client = backup0-fd
>>>>          FileSet = "freebsd-root-var-d"
>>>>          Schedule = "clientWeeklyFull"
>>>>          Storage = Disk_localnet
>>>>          Pool = localnet_Pool
>>>>          Messages = Standard
>>>>          Priority = 10
>>>> }
>>>> JobDefs {
>>>>          Name = "clients_Job"
>>>>          Type = Backup
>>>>          Level = Incremental
>>>>          Client = backup0-fd
>>>>          FileSet = "unix-root-only"
>>>>          Schedule = "clientWeeklyFull"
>>>>          Storage = Disk_clients
>>>>          Pool = clients_Pool
>>>>          Messages = Standard
>>>>          Priority = 10
>>>> }
>>>> The individual jobs have no specifics -- only the host and client
>>>> info.  Sometimes overriding the fileset on a per-host basis.  But
>>>> whatever is wrong is happening for all hosts in both Pools so it's
>>>> clearly somewhere in the above, but I'm not certain.
>>>> --
>>>> Jo Rhett
>>>> senior geek
>>>> Silicon Valley Colocation
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>>> -- 
>>> John M. Drescher
>> -- 
>> Jo Rhett
>> senior geek
>> Silicon Valley Colocation
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 ---- _  _ _  _ ___  _  _  _
 |Y#| |  | |\/| |  \ |\ |  | |Ryan Novosielski - Systems Programmer III
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 \__/ Univ. of Med. and Dent.|IST/AST - NJMS Medical Science Bldg - C630
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