Bill Moran wrote:

> So, I think it's a good plan from every angle.  Furthermore, I think that
> anyone who doesn't think it's a good plan either hasn't reviewed it
> thoroughly, or has some strange axe to grind.

There actually is one potentially negative downside I can think of.  Right
now, it's trivial to evaluate the software - download and play.  One of the
best bits about free software is that there is no risk at all in trialling
software beyond the time spent.  By adding in this barrier, there's more
hassle involved getting the software and getting a functional first impression
(at least for platforms where binaries aren't readily available or compilable

One not very well thought out idea - some kind of virtual machine setup, or
equally targeted installation, that would make it trivial to evaluate the
software, without easily letting itself be installed for a production use.

Beyond that, it boils down to a PR issue of making it very crystal clear
exactly what is and isn't free.

Frank Sweetser fs at  |  For every problem, there is a solution that
WPI Senior Network Engineer   |  is simple, elegant, and wrong. - HL Mencken
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