Hi Guys

I am officially stumped.

I am trying to run a script before the job to copy the bacula db before backing it up. The batch script works when its clicked. But, whether I use the 'ClientRunBeforeJob' not 'RunBeforeJob', the files are not copied, despite a successful report from the run:

06-Feb 10:40 SERVER01-dir JobId 5: Start Backup JobId 5, Job=Server-Backup.2008-02-06_10.40.03
06-Feb 10:40 SERVER01-dir JobId 5: Using Device "FileStorage"
06-Feb 10:40 Server JobId 5: ClientRunBeforeJob: run command "e:/backup/backup-bacula-catalog.bat" 06-Feb 10:40 SERVER01-sd JobId 5: Volume "Server-0002" previously written, moving to end of data. 06-Feb 10:40 SERVER01-sd JobId 5: Ready to append to end of Volume "Server-0002" size=4261675176 06-Feb 10:40 SERVER01-sd JobId 5: Job write elapsed time = 00:00:10, Transfer rate = 12.77 K bytes/second 06-Feb 10:40 SERVER01-dir JobId 5: Bacula SERVER01-dir 2.2.7 (24Dec07): 06-Feb-2008 10:40:32
 Build OS:               Linux Cross-compile Win32
 JobId:                  5
 Job:                    Server-Backup.2008-02-06_10.40.03
 Backup Level:           Incremental, since=2008-02-06 10:37:51
 Client:                 "Server" 2.2.7 (24Dec07) Linux,Cross-compile,Win32
 FileSet:                "Server" 2008-02-06 08:50:23
 Pool:                   "Server" (From Job resource)
 Storage:                "SERVER01-sd" (From Job resource)
 Scheduled time:         06-Feb-2008 10:40:17
 Start time:             06-Feb-2008 10:40:22
 End time:               06-Feb-2008 10:40:32
 Elapsed time:           10 secs
 Priority:               4
 FD Files Written:       8
 SD Files Written:       8
 FD Bytes Written:       126,283 (126.2 KB)
 SD Bytes Written:       127,732 (127.7 KB)
 Rate:                   12.6 KB/s
 Software Compression:   None
 VSS:                    no
 Encryption:             no
 Volume name(s):         Server-0002
 Volume Session Id:      3
 Volume Session Time:    1202253713
 Last Volume Bytes:      4,261,803,718 (4.261 GB)
 Non-fatal FD errors:    0
 SD Errors:              0
 FD termination status:  OK
 SD termination status:  OK
 Termination:            Backup OK

06-Feb 10:40 SERVER01-dir JobId 5: Begin pruning Jobs.
06-Feb 10:40 SERVER01-dir JobId 5: No Jobs found to prune.
06-Feb 10:40 SERVER01-dir JobId 5: Begin pruning Files.
06-Feb 10:40 SERVER01-dir JobId 5: No Files found to prune.
06-Feb 10:40 SERVER01-dir JobId 5: End auto prune.

Below is my batch script, and the relevant entries from the dir.conf. I would love it if someone could have a look and let me know where I have gone wrong. :(


@echo off
xcopy /y /q /k C:\MySQL\data\bacula E:\backup\bacula-database\


           Name                    =        SERVER01-dir
           DIRport                    =         4
QueryFile = "C:\\Program Files\\Bacula\\bin\\query.sql" WorkingDirectory = "C:\\Documents and Settings\\All Users\\Application Data\\Bacula\\Work" PidDirectory = "C:\\Documents and Settings\\All Users\\Application Data\\Bacula\\Work"
           Maximum Concurrent Jobs    =        1
           Password                =        "PASSWD"
           Messages                =        Daemon
Storage    {
           Name                    =        SERVER01-sd
           Address                    =        SERVER01
           SDPort                    =         6
           Password                =        "PASSWD"
           Device                    =        FileStorage
           Media Type                =        File
} Console {
           Name                    =        SERVER01-mon
           Password                =        "PASSWD"
           CommandACL                =        status, .status
JobDefs    {
           Name                    =        "esite-backup"
           Type                    =        Backup
           Storage                    =        SERVER01-sd
           Schedule                =        "DailyBackup"
           Messages                =        Standard
           Maximum Concurrent Jobs    =        1

################################# production-Server ############################################
Client     {
           Name                    =        production-Server
           Address                    =
           FDPort                    =        9
           Catalog                    =        production-Server
           Password                =        "PASSWD"
Catalog    {
           Name                    =        production-Server
           DB Address                =
           dbname = bacula; user = bacula; password = "PASSWD"
Pool    {
           Name                    =        Production-Server
           Label Format            =        "Production-Server-"
           Pool Type                =        Backup
           Volume Retention        =        2555 days #7 years
           AutoPrune                =        yes
FileSet    {
           Name                    =        production-Server
           Enable VSS                =        yes
           Include                    {        Options    {
Signature = MD5 verify = pins5 checkfilechanges = yes ignore case = yes portable = yes } File = "C:\\Apache2\\conf\\extra" File = "C:\\esite" File = "E:\\backup\\bacula-database" }
Job        {
           Name                    =        "production-Server-Backup"
           JobDefs                    =        "esite-backup"
ClientRunBeforeJob = "e:/backup/backup-bacula-catalog.bat" ClientRunAfterJob = "e:/backup/delete-bacula-catalog.bat"
           Client                    =        "production-Server"
           Fileset                    =        "production-Server"
           Pool                    =        "Production-Server"
           Priority                =        2

Thanks for your time


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