Can anyone shed some light on the following fatal error?  It happened 
during a tape change in the middle of a full backup.  The autochanger 
has been working just fine prior to this and in fact the requested tape 
was successfully loaded into the drive (status storage shows it in there 
and so does the drive utility).

23-Feb 01:10 khyber-dir JobId 1843: Start Backup JobId 1843, 

23-Feb 01:10 khyber-dir JobId 1843: Using Device "VXA3drive"

23-Feb 06:16 khyber-sd JobId 1843: End of Volume "A0000006" at 201:12847 
on device "VXA3drive" (/dev/nst0). Write of 64512 bytes got -1.

23-Feb 06:17 khyber-sd JobId 1843: Re-read of last block succeeded.

23-Feb 06:17 khyber-sd JobId 1843: End of medium on Volume "A0000006" 
Bytes=200,757,150,720 Blocks=3,111,934 at 23-Feb-2008 06:17.

23-Feb 06:20 khyber-dir JobId 1843: There are no more Jobs associated 
with Volume "A0000003". Marking it purged.

23-Feb 06:20 khyber-dir JobId 1843: All records pruned from Volume 
"A0000003"; marking it "Purged"

23-Feb 06:20 khyber-dir JobId 1843: Recycled volume "A0000003"

23-Feb 06:20 khyber-sd JobId 1843: 3307 Issuing autochanger "unload slot 
5, drive 0" command.

23-Feb 06:21 khyber-sd JobId 1843: 3304 Issuing autochanger "load slot 
1, drive 0" command.

23-Feb 06:26 khyber-sd JobId 1843: Fatal error: 3992 Bad autochanger 
"load slot 1, drive 0": ERR=Child died from signal 15: Termination.
Results=Loading media from Storage Element 1 into drive 0...done
Program killed by Bacula watchdog (timeout)

This is bacula 2.2.6.


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