>>>>> On Wed, 14 Oct 2009 07:08:24 -0300, Daniel Bareiro said:
> <...> 
> fugu:~# uname -a
> OpenBSD fugu.freesoftware.org 4.5 KVM3#0 i386
> fugu:~# ps ax|grep bacula
> 12613 ??  Ss      0:03.20 /usr/sbin/bacula-fd -u _bacula -g _bacula -v -c 
> /etc/bacula/bacula-fd.conf
> fugu:~# netstat -at|grep 9102
> tcp        0      0  *.9102                 *.*                    LISTEN
> In the director:
> *status client=fugu-fd
> Connecting to Client fugu-fd at fugu.freesoftware.org:9102
> fugu-fd Version: 3.0.2 (18 July 2009)  i386-unknown-openbsd4.5 openbsd 4.5
> Daemon started 12-Oct-09 20:25, 2 Jobs run since started.
>  Heap: heap=0 smbytes=7,384 max_bytes=417,683 bufs=48 max_bufs=102
>  Sizeof: boffset_t=8 size_t=4 debug=0 trace=0
> Running Jobs:
> Director connected at: 14-Oct-09 06:37
> No Jobs running.
> ====
> Terminated Jobs:
>  JobId  Level    Files      Bytes   Status   Finished        Name
> ========================================================================
>   2325  Full        839    1.585 M  OK       13-Oct-09 02:08 Fugu
>   2333  Incr          0         0   OK       14-Oct-09 02:07 Fugu
> ====
> In the FileSet resource for this client I'm doing backup of all the
> /etc, but there are some files and directories which aren't able to be
> copied. I consider that this is because the process (running with
> bacula: bacula) cannot access to those files and directories by the
> restrictive permissions that these have.

Normally the bacula-fd should be run as root.  Only the bacula-dir and
possibly the bacula-sd shluld be run as the bacula user.


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