On Wednesday, 14 October 2009 17:38:59 +0100,
Martin Simmons wrote:

> > In the FileSet resource for this client I'm doing backup of all the
> > /etc, but there are some files and directories which aren't able to
> > be copied. I consider that this is because the process (running with
> > bacula: bacula) cannot access to those files and directories by the
> > restrictive permissions that these have.

> Normally the bacula-fd should be run as root.  Only the bacula-dir and
> possibly the bacula-sd shluld be run as the bacula user.

Perfect. Thanks for the indication, Martin.

Do you think that it is appropriate to starting bacula-fd with the
script in /etc/bacula/scripts using the following lines in the
/etc/rc.local file?

# DGB - 20091012
# Starting bacula-fd on boot
if [ -x /etc/bacula/scripts/bacula-ctl-fd ]; then
        /etc/bacula/scripts/bacula-ctl-fd start

There is some way to normally stop daemon during shutdown/reboot of the
operating system?

Thanks for your reply.

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