I just started working with Copy jobs, and while they are working (mostly)
exactly as expected I am seeing the following strangeness...

When I run my defined Copy job which is set with:

Type = Copy
Selection Type = Job
Selection Pattern = "Zimbra"

It spawns the "CopyMustHaves" job and the (per docs) "Previous backup job"
like so: (sorry for the word wrap)

Running Jobs:
 JobId Level   Name                       Status
 10415 Full    CopyMustHaves.2011-10-28_12.17.03_59 is running
 10416 Full    Zimbra.2011-10-28_12.17.04_00 has a fatal error
 10417 Full    CopyMustHaves.2011-10-28_12.17.04_01 is waiting on max Client 
 10418 Full    Zimbra.2011-10-28_12.17.04_02 has a fatal error
 10419 Full    CopyMustHaves.2011-10-28_12.17.04_03 is waiting on max Client 
 10420 Full    Zimbra.2011-10-28_12.17.04_04 has a fatal error
 10421 Full    CopyMustHaves.2011-10-28_12.17.04_05 is waiting on max Client 
 10422 Full    Zimbra.2011-10-28_12.17.04_06 has a fatal error
 10423 Full    CopyMustHaves.2011-10-28_12.17.04_07 is waiting on max Client 
 10424 Full    Zimbra.2011-10-28_12.17.04_08 has a fatal error

(I have configured  Max Client Jobs = 1 for that client, so those are OK)

BUT since I have "Allow Duplicate Jobs = no" on the original "Zimbra" Job
definition to prevent multiples of the same job to be queued if/when a job
takes too long to run, for EACH and every Copy job, I also get an ERROR report
for the Zimbra Job, and of course error status in my job history...

For example, here is an email I get during one of these copy jobs:

Subject: Backup Fatal Error - Zimbra JobId=10418 Level=Full
8-Oct 12:17 speedy-dir JobId 10418: Fatal error: JobId 10382 already running.
Duplicate job not allowed.

I don't believe it is the desired behavior to be getting these error messages
and FAILED jobs in history. Is there a way around this situation where I WANT
to disallow duplicate, concurrent running of the original "Zimbra" job AND
have copy jobs work as expected too?

I'd be happy to post any additional configs etc if that helps... Thanks for
any hints on this

Bill Arlofski
Reverse Polarity, LLC

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