
Minor question, figured I'd try the users list first in case you guys could
help. I have the following directory structure on a server that I back up,
but there's a minor twist:

FileSet {
  Name = "filemonster-fs"
  Include {

    File = /etc
    File = /usr/local/sbin
    File = /snapshot/webdata


That snapshot directory (/snapshot/webdata) is actually a mounted snapshot
of /data. Ideally, I would like bacula to store this as the actual path, and
not the path it gets backed up from. It would greatly simplify restores
among other things.

I know there is the option of stripping X pieces of the path from a fileset,
but it is fileset wide to my knowledge. Is the best practice to just add a
snapshot dir to the beginning and keep the same path structure, and have a
seperate FileSet for each such item?

The reason I ask is I am also considering adding a PathReplace directive (or
something similar) to facilitate the above, and I want to judge input first,
and see if there is a better design option.

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