Thomas Lohman wrote, On 21.11.2013 16:13:
>> - heartbeat: enabling on the SD (60 seconds) and
>> net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time also set to 60
> In glancing at your error (Connection reset by peer) and your config 
> files, I didn't see the Heartbeat Interval setting in all the places 
> that it may need to be.  Make sure it is in all the following locations:

Ok, I try it:

> Director definition for the server Director daemon.
in bacula-dir.conf I added the last line:
Director {
   Name = sd1-dir
   DIRport = 9101
   QueryFile = "/usr/libexec/bacula/query.sql"
   WorkingDirectory = "/var/spool/bacula"
   PidDirectory = "/var/run"
   Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 5
   Password = "secret"
   Messages = Daemon
*  Heartbeat Interval = 60*

in the job-definition I added the last line:
Client {
   Name = fs2-fd
   Address =
   FDPort = 9102
   Catalog = MyCatalog
   Password = "secret"
   File Retention = 30 days
   Job Retention = 6 months
   AutoPrune = yes
* Heartbeat Interval = 60*

> Storage definition for the server Storage daemon.
in bacula-sd.conf:
Storage {
   Name = bacula-sd
   SDPort = 9103
   WorkingDirectory = "/var/spool/bacula"
   Pid Directory = "/var/run"
   Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20
   Heartbeat Interval = 60

> FileDaemon definition for the Client File daemon
in bacula-fd.conf:
FileDaemon {
   Name = sd1-fd
   FDport = 9102
   WorkingDirectory = /var/spool/bacula
   Pid Directory = /var/run
   Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20
   Heartbeat Interval = 60

Did I get it for this job?

> That error typically means the network/socket connection between the 
> file daemon and the storage daemon was closed unexpectedly at one end 
> or by something in between blocking/dropping it. 
That's what I thought, but wasn't sure about the coherences. The next 
thing I wanted to do is to give a trail with disabled Windows Firewall.

> I have also seen that error suddenly pop up on Windows clients for no 
> obvious reason but a reboot of the Windows box has fixed it.
Not the best view for a fileserver :-( I'm getting these errors for 
month and rebooted the Windows server from time to time. Next time I 
will reboot on Saturday (23rd of November), and after that I will start 
the next big try with the new heartbeat settings above. If the error 
still occurs I will try to disable the firewall...

Thank you very much!


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