On Tuesday 2017-03-28 19:44:17 scar wrote:
> I am using bacula 5.x and I recently replaced the hardware for a client
> (new machine).  I used "rsync -a" to copy over the contents of one of
> the filesystems.  Now bacula wants to back up everything again even
> though nothing is changed.  The filesystem is the same and the path to
> the files is the same.  I thought this might have to do with ctime

The file system is not the same, you have replaced the hardware,
created a new file system (probably with the same parameters) but
it is still a new file system.

You have used "rsync -a" which has preserved the modification time
but rsync deals with the data on the file level (not block level)
and thus all the copied files will be created with the different
inodes (rsync can't do anything about it because it's up to file system
to assign an inode number).

What I am saying is that your files probably have different ctime
on the file systems in question.

Please use the "ls -lc" or stat(1) command to check it.

> changing, so I tried using "mtimeonly=yes" option for the FileSet
> (Ignore fileset changes=yes is already set), yet when I manually run an
> Incremental backup, it doesn't get upgraded to a Full yet it is still
> grabbing all the files that haven't changed.  Here is an example file
> that bacula is grabbing which it shouldn't:
> [scar@oldserver ~]$ ls -l <file>
> -rw-rw-r-- 1 10022 101 422186903 Aug 26  2016 <file>
> [scar@oldserver ~]$ ls -lc <file>
> -rw-rw-r-- 1 10022 101 422186903 Aug 26  2016 <file>
> [scar@newserver ~]$ ls -l <file>
> -rw-rw-r-- 1 10022 101 422186903 Aug 26  2016 <file>
> [scar@newserver ~]$ ls -lc <file>
> -rw-rw-r-- 1 10022 101 422186903 Dec  7 14:20 <file>
> So we can see the ctime changed, yet with mtimeonly=yes, bacula is still
> grabbing the file.  Is there some other option I am over looking?

I suppose that you have added "mtimeonly=yes" only recently when
you found out that you will have to replace the storage but not
before the last full backup.

I believe that this could be a problem.
It could be that bacula saved files with ctime during the last full
backup and now sees all the files as changed even with the "mtimeonly"
set to "yes".

If this is the case it would be a good idea to change that behavior
(unless there is a good reason not to).

Josip Deanovic

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