On Wednesday 2017-03-29 14:07:43 scar wrote:
> Josip Deanovic wrote on 03/28/2017 09:10 PM:
> > I believe that this could be a problem.
> > It could be that bacula saved files with ctime during the last full
> > backup and now sees all the files as changed even with the "mtimeonly"
> > set to "yes".
> > 
> > If this is the case it would be a good idea to change that behavior
> > (unless there is a good reason not to).
> Thanks, so are you saying this is potentially a bug with bacula?  Do you
> know how i could continue with incremental backups in the mean time?
> This particular fileset is 4 levels deep yet it contains over 21
> million files and about 4 terabytes of gzip-compressed data.  Soon I
> will set up a new storage daemon with compressing filesystem so won't
> have to worry about gzip on the client side... but this particular full
> backup takes about 10 days to complete... would like to avoid it if
> possible.

Let's wait for some of the developers to give their opinion.
I might be completely wrong about this.

What I said is a speculation.
However, the File table in the bacula database contains a LStat
column with information about files.
Several values that represent different file attributes are space
delimited and base64 encoded (this is bacula specific base64 and
not a standard base64 o it's a bit tricky to decode it but there is
a source (src/findlib/attribs.c) so it's not impossible).

Anyway, when decoded those values would give these file attributes:

Note that I am using bacula 5.0.0 here but it might be that
this still applies in the current bacula release.

Anyway, until the developers join this thread, if I were you
I would setup a small job and perform a full backup with and without
"mtimeonly" option and then I would try to determine if there is any
difference between the st_ctime and st_ino between those two full
backup jobs.

That could give you and idea if there is anything you can do
in the database to help yourself.

Now let's wait for the developers to tell me that I am completely
wrong and that LStat has nothing to do with this. :-)

Josip Deanovic

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