On 15.04.2018 16:35, Heitor Faria wrote:

Hello, Thorsten,
Hello, Heitor,

I'm trying to build a "map" (xmind) of all the attributes of a Bacula
configuration that can be overwritten in other ressources.


Ok, here's what I read in above paragraph:

read the code
"This directive" [in the Director Ressource] "will override any
specified at the Director level".

So won't it override itself then??

The most likely is that it is possible to define custom Heartbeat Interval in 
some other bacula-dir.conf resources (e.g. Job, Client or Storage), or Kern 
intended to develop that in an eventual future.
It needs some more research, code browsing or tests to confirm that.

OK. As I'm not really a "software guy" I will just mark this with a question mark in my map.

Let's see how this evolves, if I'm happy with the result of the xmind-map, I'll post it here - hoping that it may be beneficial for others, too.



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