Yes, it does print 2000 proxy OK, but then in my case, the 'run' below would hang. And as I said, running the bacula-fd in the foreground shows a successful connection to Director when successful, but then nothing more. Also an unsuccessful connection (on purpose) is output form both the FD and the DIR, so they are definitely talking. Hmmm... I will try your foregrounded director suggestion.

BTW, I'm also using TLS, which I'm hoping is not muddying the waters.

Oh, and technically I'm running 9.0.6, so perhaps I should upgrade as well.


On 7/6/18 3:50 AM, Martin Simmons wrote:
It works for me in 9.0.8:

Connecting to Director localhost:9102
2000 OK Hello 214
Enter a period to cancel a command.
2000 proxy OK.
Automatically selected Catalog: MyCatalog
Using Catalog "MyCatalog"
A job name must be specified.
The defined Job resources are:
      1: Client1

Does it print "2000 proxy OK." and the "*" prompt after the proxy command?
You could try running the Director in the foreground with -d900.


On Thu, 5 Jul 2018 17:30:31 -0700, Stephen Thompson said:

Thanks Martin.

That got me a step closer, but still not working.

If I run bacula-fd in foreground, I can see that when I execute proxy
command the FD outputs a successful connected to Director message.  But
running any other command under proxy in bconsole just hangs with no
output from FD or from Director.


On 7/5/18 8:21 AM, Martin Simmons wrote:
On Tue, 3 Jul 2018 16:04:56 -0700, Stephen Thompson said:


I've been trying to setup client initiated backups via FD remote=yes and
bconsole with no success.  Regardless of the ACLs defined on Director,
the only command available on client's bconsole is "status" and even
that is the status of the local FD, not the DIR status.  Every other
command yields...

2999 Invalid command

You are not connected directly to the Director command loop after connecting
bconsole to the local FD.  According to the test
(regress/tests/remote-console-test), you need to use the proxy command
(without any arguments) to connect to the Director.


Stephen Thompson               Berkeley Seismo Lab    215 McCone Hall
Office: 510.664.9177           University of California
Remote: 510.214.6506 (Tue)     Berkeley, CA 94720-4760

Stephen Thompson               Berkeley Seismo Lab    215 McCone Hall
Office: 510.664.9177           University of California
Remote: 510.214.6506 (Tue)     Berkeley, CA 94720-4760

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