
Here is the requested Information:

Plugin Directory = "/usr/lib64"

ls  /usr/lib64/bacula-sd-cloud-driver-9.4.4.so

bacula-sd -d20
[root@bacula bacula]# bacula-sd: address_conf.c:274-0 Initaddr
bacula-sd: init_dev.c:435-0 Open SD driver at 
bacula-sd: bnet_server.c:86-0 Addresses
bacula-sd: init_dev.c:440-0 Lookup "BaculaSDdriver" in driver=cloud
bacula-sd: init_dev.c:442-0 Driver=cloud entry point=7f295e762e90
bacula-sd: stored.c:610-0 SD init done CloudStorage-1
List plugins. Hook count=0
List plugins. Hook count=0

status storage=Cloud
Connecting to Storage daemon Cloud at bacula:9103
bacula-sd Version: 9.4.4 (28 May 2019) x86_64-pc-linux-gnu redhat (Core)
Daemon started 18-Jul-19 07:48. Jobs: run=0, running=0.
 Heap: heap=135,168 smbytes=31,242 max_bytes=150,467 bufs=89 max_bufs=91
 Sizes: boffset_t=8 size_t=8 int32_t=4 int64_t=8 mode=0,0 newbsr=0
 Res: ndevices=1 nautochgr=0
 Drivers: cloud
Running Jobs:
No Jobs running.
Jobs waiting to reserve a drive:
Terminated Jobs:
 JobId  Level    Files      Bytes   Status   Finished        Name
     1  Full          0         0   Error    17-Jul-19 16:04 BackupClient1
     2  Full          0         0   Error    17-Jul-19 16:29 BackupClient1
     3  Full          0         0   Error    17-Jul-19 23:15 BackupClient1
     4  Full          0         0   Error    17-Jul-19 23:25 BackupCatalog
Device status:
Device Cloud: "CloudStorage-1" (/backups/CloudStorage) is not open.
Configured device capabilities:
Device state:
   Writers=0 reserves=0 blocked=0 enabled=1 usage=0
Attached JobIds:
Device parameters:
   Archive name: /backups/CloudStorage Device name: CloudStorage-1
   File=0 block=0
   Min block=0 Max block=0
   Available Cache Space=21.05 GB
Cloud transfer status:
   Uploads   (0 B/s) (ETA 0 s) Queued=0 0 B, Processed=0 0 B, Done=0 0 B, 
Failed=0 0 B
   Downloads (0 B/s) (ETA 0 s) Queued=0 0 B, Processed=0 0 B, Done=0 0 B, 
Failed=0 0 B
Used Volume status:

When running a job status just shows waiting on Storage message.

Thank You,

From: "Kern Sibbald (k...@sibbald.com)" <k...@sibbald.com>
To: Bryan Sockel <bryan.soc...@mdaemon.com>, 
Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2019 12:00:22 +0200
Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] AWS S3 Backup


Please insure that the PluginDirectory is defined in the bacula-sd.conf 
file.  Then check and ensure that the plugin is in that directory.

Finally, the following commands could potentially help us:

stop the storage daemon

start it by hand in a shell window with -d20 as one of the options.


status storage=xxxx

where xxxx is the name of any storage device.

The status of the plugins should be sent to the stdout of the shell window 
where you restarted the storage daemon.

The output of the compile and link of the storage daemon would possibly be 

Best regards,


On 7/17/19 5:40 PM, Bryan Sockel via Bacula-users wrote:
Hey Guys,

Trying to setup a new backup server to run backups to an AWS S3 Bucket.  I 
was able build both required version of the libs3 driver and bacula 
community install (9.4.4) and all appears to be correct.  I need a little 
help setting up my bacula-dir and bacula-sd files in order to use the 
backup.  I think i have the Bacula-SD file configs correct, but beyond that 
i am unsure of how to proceed.


Device {
  Name = CloudStorage
  Device Type = Cloud
  Cloud = S3Cloud
  Archive Device = /backups/CloudStorage
  Maximum Part Size = 10000000
  Media Type = CloudType
  LabelMedia = yes
  Random Access = Yes;
  AutomaticMount = yes
  RemovableMedia = no
  AlwaysOpen = no
Cloud {
  Name = S3Cloud
  Driver = "S3"
  HostName = "s3.amazonaws.com"
  BucketName = "s3-test"
  AccessKey = "AccessKey"
  SecretKey = "SecretKey"
  Protocol = HTTPS
  UriStyle = VirtualHost
  Truncate Cache = AfterUpload
  Upload = EachPart
  Region = "us-east-1"
  MaximumUploadBandwidth = 5MB/s

Thank You

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