Mandi! Ana Emília M. Arruda
  In chel di` si favelave...

[ Could you please stop putting me in TO/CC?! mailman is so dumb that don't
  send email if i'm on To:/CC:, and all my email archive goes bad ]

> This is a message from Bacula daemons. It seems that you have the  "
>" value in the Address directive configured in 
> one
> of your Bacula hosts. The error is related to name resolution when Bacula 
> tries
> to connect to this host. So it must be configured somewhere in your
> environment.

Ana, thanks for the answer.

Sure, the client are 'roaming' client and so it is normal that are not

The question is not about the message 'per se', but on why messages like
that came only if i log on console and i write 'mes', or when i restart

And, clearly, how to 'filter' them.


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