
Bacula purged job records for some backup jobs I did a while ago. I don't
want it to do that, and I want to restore the old records. When I went into
baculum to briefly run a backup job to check for any new files, I was
informed that there was no full backup on record, and that as such a new
full backup would need to be ran. I looked in my job history and all my
original backup jobs are missing, though the original backup jobs are still
referenced in much newer data-level verification jobs. My guess is that
bacula purged job records for some reason, possibly because they were older
than 6 months. I have volume retention set to 1000 years, but maybe I need
to add something for job retention?

Background info: I am backing up some large video files with LTO8 tape. My
goal is to back these files up once, and do incremental backups to capture
any new or changed files in the fileset. I do not expect the large media
files to be changed once placed on the disk. Basically, I am using an
"incrementals forever" strategy.

My goal is to have a two complete backups of all the files in my fileset.
To do this I have two jobs, an offsite and an onsite job. these jobs use
the same fileset resource. The respective jobs draw their media from the
scratch pool, and assign a job-specific pool to any tape written to by that
job. ie, tapes written by the offsite job are in the offsite pool. This
ensures that data will not be intermingled on the tapes. In the future, I'm
going to add another fileset, and I will use the same onsite/offsite
strategy as before. We want to keep tapes for these two filesets separate
for various reasons.

I am using bacula 13.x. We have a qualstar q24 autochanger. We use LTO 8
media. The fileset in question is around 70TiB. I welcome any assistance
the list could provide. I'm sure it has to be something simple.

Robert Gerber
Bacula-users mailing list

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