We're RIAT and we want to stay in touch.

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Remember us?

We're RIAT https://riat.at. Maybe you met us as the Research Institute for Arts 
and Technology, the RIAT Institute for Future Cryptoeconomics, Coded Cultures, 
Artistic Technology Lab, 5uper.net or Artistic Bokeh. We have a lot to catch up 
on, and we want to keep you updated, but with the looming General Data 
Protection Regulation that has been filling up your inboxes, we needed to 
quickly shoot out this email to ask you if you still want to hear from us, 
otherwise it is farewell! 

If you ever want to hear from us again please click below, if you're still 
uncertain read on about what we're up to.

Subscribe http://eepurl.com/dtcik1

Here is a quick overview of some recent activities

We’re exhibiting and presenting our recent work at the upcoming Gray Area 
Festival in San Francisco https://grayareafestival.io/  
        We’re publishing the next issue of the Journal for Research Cultures 
https://researchcultures.com/ on pata-institutions in June.
        We were honored by the European Commission’s STARTS Prize 
https://starts-prize.aec.at/en/research-institute-for-arts-and-technology/ at 
Ars Electronica for the successful integration of science, technology and art 
to contribute to social and economic innovation.
        We performed the world’s first ever crypto-theatre Proof-of-Burn 
http://thefutureofdemonstration.net/gallery.html at the Future of Demonstration 
        We published an open-access publication Making Artistic Technology 
http://artistic.technology/ to introduce young people to critical making and 
open hardware.
        We presented our book Openism: Conversations on Open Hardware 
http://fs3.at/a/us/3950414061 at the Open Hardware Summit in Denver.
        We hosted a ‘forkshop’ at Transmediale on Fork Politics in Post 
Consensus Cryptoeconomics 
        We discussed our classic book Coded Cultures: New Creative Practices 
out of Diversity http://fs3.at/a/us/3990433903at the We Are Developers summit 
in Vienna 

So if you want to stay updated about RIAT and hear about our upcoming ventures 
please subscribe.

Subscribe http://eepurl.com/dtcik1

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