
At 06:53 AM 12/20/2004, you wrote:
>>Why would you bother to thank Mark for his words and call them well said. 
>>When everything else you wrote contradicts it?<< 

IMO, the passages quoted by Dr. Khazeh Fananapazir refer to issues of 
contextualization, not to the power of the Revelation. In other words, they 
relate, I believe, to the points I raised about the Will of God or Covenant.

The Prophet and His Revelation function, as I see it, in a dialectical 
relationship with people and their socially and historically constructed groups 
and societies. It is a dynamic I have called "prophetic ecology." When the 
previous Revelation is no longer as relevant to God's Will or Covenant. He 
sends a new Prophet to manifest His new Will. 

"Ethics" are a function of God's Will. For instance, absolute national 
sovereignty may have been virtuous in the past. According to Baha'u'llah's 
Revelation, national sovereignty should no longer be absolute. God's Will 
changed and so did the divine moral standards.

However, previous Revelations can still effectively inspire people.

With regards, Mark A. Foster * 15 Sites:
"Sacred cows make the tastiest hamburger" -- Abbie Hoffman 

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