Dear Scott,

 What Abdu'l-Baha was trying to do was make sure that individual Assembly
members did not undermine the authority of the institution as a whole by
opposing the decision that body made. For them not to act in unity under
these circumstances is rather like parents arguing discipline issues in
front of their children--almost never a good idea if discipline is something
the parents hope to maintain.

I think the problem with over-generalizing that quotation from Abdu'l-Baha
and applying it to the community as a whole rather than the individual
members of the Assembly that made the decision is that it prevents the
Assembly from getting the feedback it requires to determine whether or not
something they implemented is working so they *can* change it if need be. If
the believers 'for the sake of unity' feel they can't say what this isn't
working corrections will never be made.

warmest, Susan

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